Making the Decision to Start Your Own Business

Making the Decision to Start Your Own Business

The time is now to be Making the Decision to Start Your Own Business. You’ve analyzed yourself, your life style, your opinions, and your attitudes. You’ve read and studied and discussed the pros and cons of starting a business of your own with your business advisor and then attorneys and accountants, other business owners and bankers. You’ve picked a lot of brains, and given your own a workout. Now it is time for you to make the one all-encompassing decision which, if it is in the affirmative and you decide to start a small business of your own, will require one decision after another to implement.


You’ve done your cash planning and explored your cash requirements in consultation with your lawyer, banker, accountant or any combination of the three. Can you swing it financially? Make a decision.


You’ve pondered the advisability of sharing ownership with others as compared with the independence of going it alone. Which will it be? Another decision required.


Some of you have faced the alternative of buying an existing business. After carefully weighing the advantages of such a transaction against the disadvantages, what decision will you make on this question?


Others among you who are reading these pages have given the possibility of investing in a franchised business serious consideration. Do the safeguards the quick-start advantages offered by operating within the shelter of a national franchise make up for the lack of freedom under which you may be forced to operate? What will your decision be?


Now answer the following questions.


What are my immediate goals?

 My long range goals?


If you have given long and careful consideration to all the requirements, regulations, financial obligations and hazards implicit in setting up a small business, and you regard them as challenges you can meet.


If you would gladly give up your safe job working for someone else for the independence, the excitement, the sheer joy of being your own boss.


If you are aware of the responsibility, the hard work and the long hours it will take before your goal as an entrepreneur can be realized, and you are not deterred….


Than small business ownership may indeed be for you!

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